BRANNGO Membership
• BRANNGO membership brings together NGOs, British and Nepalese government agencies, community and special-interest groups. The resulting networking, collaboration, information-sharing and joint problem solving brings improved operational efficiencies delivering more and better assistance to the people of Nepal.
• BRANNGO membership offers immediate access to a large network of individuals and organisations with a common interest in helping the people of Nepal. As such, it provides unrivalled opportunities to share information, discuss and resolve matters of common concern, and collaborate on planning and execution of plans in order to make best use of the resources available.
• BRANNGO provides privileged access to information about other UK NGOs working in Nepal, which is shared through an interactive database that is being continuously updated. Conferences and workshops provide opportunities to hear from subject matter experts working in NGOs, those providing them with specialist support (e.g. fundraising), Nepal and UK Government Advisors and Diplomats on matters such as current policy and government plans, and others such as the Nepal Federation of NGOs (NFN) and the Association of INGOs in Nepal (AIN).
• Communication and information exchange is the key success factor for BRANNGO. BRANNGO holds frequent events, several based on its Working Groups that focus on specific topics such as Education and Health. In addition BRANNGO maintains a Facebook Group for online discussion of issues, publishes a newsletter and maintains this website.
• Through BRANNGO’s group membership of BOND (a UK network of organisations working in international development), individual BRANNGO members can obtain a discount on the cost of attending BOND events and training courses. See the BOND website for details of BOND’s activities.
Types of Membership
(Charges are with effect from 1st April 2022)
• Associate Membership costs £10 and gives access to the website, permits people to attend online events at no additional charge, and receive the monthly Chairman’s newsletter (but not the press summaries). It also attracts concessional rates for face-to-face events compared to non-members.
• Individual full membership: £35.
• Group membership for charities with turnover under £50k: £35.
• Group membership for charities with turnover over £50k: £50.
• Group membership for charities with turnover over £100k: £95.
• Group membership for charities with turnover over £500k: £150.
How to Apply
• Please (1) complete and submit the online form below; (2) make the appropriate payment by bank transfer to BRANNGO, account number 40757412, sort code 54-30-45, referencing it with your name or your organisation’s name.
• Alternatively click here to download a paper application form, complete it and submit it with a cheque for the relevant amount to BRANNGO, Thomas’s Accounts Office, Brightwater House, Market Place, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 1AP.
• Please note that by submitting these forms/payment you are agreeing to the use of your data and BRANNGO’s privacy policy as set out below.
Data Protection
• The BRANNGO database holds personal information primarily in order to contact its current and future members. BRANNGO will only use this information to contact you and to make returns required by law to Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and to the various Charity Regulators of the United Kingdom. BRANNGO is legally bound by GDPR to ensure that any data that it holds on individuals is relevant, accurate and not excessive. Additionally it must be fairly and lawfully processed, held for definitive purposes, be accurate and up to date, not kept for longer than is necessary, processed in line with your rights and must be securely held. WE SHALL ENSURE THAT ALL DATA HELD IS TREATED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE PRINCIPLES.
• We shall never sell or misuse any personal data and whilst we do not intend to contact you often we require your formal agreement for us to use the information held for lawful purposes. By signing the Membership Application Form you confirm that the details provided are correct and give your consent for BRANNGO to process the information for lawful purposes.
• Please click here to download BRANNGO’s privacy policy.